"This really could be the car-chase movie to end all car-chase movies. George Miller's Mad Max: Fury Road will be hitting screens here in the UK on 15 May. Petrol heads and Hollywood are currently stuck in an absurdly patronising boogie "
The Road to Apocalypse
A forthcoming art show in London is set to look at how images of the apocalypse have been presented in the movies. And it’s amazing how many of them reference the road and petrol culture in general.
David Michôd’s The Rover is a film about life in Australia following a full-blown societal collapse, and it served as key inspiration for issue 54 of Little White Lies magazine. As a way of exploring different depictions of the end times on film, LWLies’ creative director Timba Smits commissioned ten artists with a relatively naive illustration style to create a set of bespoke A2 poster prints based upon a carefully curated and diverse selection of classic apocalypse movies.
The subject matter takes in all kinds of films, from Michael Haneke’s brooding and brutal Time Of the Wolf, to John Boorman’s psychedelic caper Zardoz, and on to such modern classics as Alfonso Cuarón’s grubby dystopic thriller, Children of Men.