Sinclair C5


"'Come down the hill, around the mini roundabout, stop by the camera and tell us what you think ...' A small smile played on John Humphrys' face as he said it, clearly happier beside his BBC camera than where I "

Josie Millard


"Influx caught up with 2017 European Female Skateboarder of the Year Josie Millard in her hometown of Brighton to discuss her love of two and four wheels. Influx: When did you get into skateboarding? Josie Millard: "I probably started skating properly "

Grand Prix de Monaco Historique

Cars Culture

"This year’s Grand Prix de Monaco Historique marked the 11th edition of this prestigious event (May 11-13, 2018) and I was fortunate enough to attend. I was there with Discovery Channel, to cover the bi-annual racing live for Quest TV. "

FOCUS on Jamie Sheldrick


"Our FOCUS for this edition is Jamie Sheldrick With a background in landscape photography, Jamie Sheldrick's photos often give you more than simply a picture of a car - we chat to him about how he got into motorsport photography. "

Charlie Martin – what’s next?

Cars People

"“It’s gone really really well. I’m really pleased with it.” That was the phrase that Charlie Martin used not once, but twice back when we caught up in mid-2018, as she exclaims her joy at the way she "

Influx Social

Eleven AC Schnitzer’s show stars

Cars Culture

"AC Schnitzer has been fettling, modifying and improving BMWs for over 30 years and if there’s one thing that’s guaranteed to garner attention to its product range – wheels, styling, suspension and engine upgrades – it’s a swanky and dramatic "

Audi R8 RWS


"I’ve got to be a bit careful here because my usual unbiased, fair judgement is on the line. I absolutely adore this car and I’ve spent a fair bit of time in R8s this year now. Yeah, "

Donington Park’s 3 Best Kept Secrets

"If we were putting together the ultimate Petrolhead Pilgrimage list, then surely Donington Park would have to feature prominently. As Britain’s oldest racing circuit that’s still in use, Donington Park Race Circuit has seen its fair share of "

BMW Alpina B5


"Imagine the most graceful creature on earth. Watch it in your mind as it sways and dances through the summer’s sunshine and the winter’s rains. Every twist and turn is a piece of choreographed wonder. Every glimmer and "

Peugeot 106 Quiksilver

Cars Culture

"Your first car isn’t really meant to be anything special. It’s a runabout, a box, something just to get you mobile in the initial period after obtaining that most precious of things: a driving licence. My friends all "

Trans Europe Express


"The K1600 B isn’t like most cruisers; it isn’t even like most BMWs. Among the 35,000 visitors that have descended upon the picturesque town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen for annual BMW Motorrad Days, the black bagger garners plenty of attention as "

Rallycross: Oli Bennett Interview


"W. R. X. If you’re big into racing, those three letters stand for something special. Thrashing and bashing around the globe, the World Rallycross Championship pitches 600bhp hatchbacks against each other in short, sharp, multi-surface bouts. Blink and you’"