Porsche Poster Art

Cars Culture


Somewhere out there is a world where speed is just speed and cars are just cars. But I don’t live in a world where that is true.

Sometimes here at Influx towers we can twist ourselves into contortions trying to define what it is about the relationship between man machines and speed that turns us on so much.

But we stumbled upon a collection of motoring posters recently that defines in simple graphic imagery and type, what makes cars worth caring about.


The posters are classics of sixties and seventies graphic design from individual artists as well as a variety of graphic collectives. Each of the posters combined simple graphic imagery with a dynamic sense of colour and cool typography to encapsulate Porsche’s sports car racing aesthetic.


Stay tuned for a forthcoming collection of themed features that will explore with more depth the Art of the Motor. This tongue-tip taster of killer graphic art is just the tip of a very large iceberg.


When good design, passion and the urge for movement comes together, great things happen.


3 Responses to “Porsche Poster Art”

  1. Andrew w

    They are great, where can I buy them from?

  2. resume writers

    I doubt they’re for sale.. The best you may get is a copy