
Cool Cars, Cool Music


" OK we’re on a mission. It’s a geeky, music and car obsessed mission. The mission is to find the coolest album cover ever that has a car on the cover. There are of course absolutely thousands of artists "

Death Race 2000

Cars Culture

" In America the automobile was always an icon of liberty. And from the very earliest days of motoring the American road trip itself is a sort of sacred pilgrimage where technological progress and the freedom of the open road were "

The Beauty of Black Alloys.

Cars Culture

" It's undeniable. Ebony paint jobs with black alloys look cool. It might seem a bit of an affectation, and you might be accused of wanting to play the Dark Knight. To roll with black 20s may even summon visions of "

English Iron – Class Mobility

Cars Culture

"The cars we drive often say as much about our class as they do about our personality. We took a look at three undeniable classics that captured the essence of a particular class in their own times. British through and "

BMW Art Cars

Cars Culture

"The Art of Movement Words by Helen Gilchrist Movement. Stop and think about it for a minute. It’s one of the most valuable capabilities known to man. Since the dawn of time, mankind has cherished the freedom and adventure "