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Driving tips

Each year thousands of drivers break the speed limit, but what happens to them? Here we break down everything you

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If you’ve had a long lay-off from driving, perhaps because of a ban or you have been living abroad, this blog explains all you need to do to stay safe and legal before getting back behind the wheel.
If you are a learner and you want to avoid stalling the engine or “kangarooing” down the road, read this blog which includes nine tips for great clutch control.
As a learner driver, it is inevitable that at some stage you’re going to have to get used to driving in the dark. This blog explains the difference between sidelights, full beam and dipped beam lighting and when to use them.
This blog answers all your frequently asked questions about the ‘show me, tell me’ section of your practical driving test.

The law changed in June 2018 meaning that learners are now permitted to have motorway driving lessons. This blog answers all your questions about motorway driving lessons, from who can accompany a learner to the differences between motorways and dual carriageways and the significance of amber reflective studs on a motorway. Who can accompany a […]

Learning to drive can be one of the most testing, expensive and exciting experiences in life. Passing your test opens the doors to the world, allowing the freedom to drive where you want, when you want and what you want without depending on your parents or unreliable public transport. In this guide, we’ve put together […]

Driving in the rain, strong winds, or in a flood can be unavoidable at times, so it’s important you know how to navigate through these conditions to prevent any issues.
If you’ve just passed your test, you might be worried about driving alone for the first time. In this blog, we give a round-up of our top tips for going it alone.

Learner driver insurance from 65p per day

We offer learner driver insurance from just 65p a day, making our policies a cost-effective way for young drivers to get that all-important extra practice behind the wheel.

From adjusting your seat to getting used to a new biting point, here are our tips to help you adjust to driving a new car.

Driving can be nerve-wracking, especially if you’re a new driver or you’ve recently received a driving conviction. But fear not! In this guide, we’ll give you some tips on how to be a confident driver and take a look at why you might be feeling this way in the first place. What causes a fear […]

More than 80,000 drivers aged between 16 and 25 chalked up driving convictions in 2019 — and 4,000 of those drivers received multiple convictions putting their driving licences at risk.  The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) has revealed that from 81,509 offences recorded, speeding was by far the most common with more than 60,000 […]

As driving lessons have been given the green light from 4th July, you’re probably raring to get back to them – or you might even have had a couple already. But as almost four months have already passed since lockdown began, you might be feeling nervous about getting back behind the wheel. Well never fear; […]