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Home Emergency Cover

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Leaking pipes and boiler breakdowns are all too common, causing costly repairs that could otherwise have been prevented if you took out home emergency cover. At Adrian Flux, our cover provides peace of mind when you need it most.

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What is home emergency insurance?

This policy protects your home – and your wallet – against emergencies that occur in the household, from electrical failures to boiler breakdowns. If an emergency occurs, the costs involved with getting an expert to come out and fix the issue will be covered by Royal and Sun Alliance, the underwriters to this policy.

Is emergency cover included in standard household insurance?

Emergency cover is not included in household insurance schemes as standard, so it’s important that when you call for a quote, you add this scheme to your policy if you feel you need the additional coverage.

Simply speak to our knowledgeable staff about accidental cover and we’d be happy to help.

What does this policy cover?

A wide range of home emergencies costing up to £1,000 is included in this policy, but you can pick and choose which apply to you. Types of cover include:

  • Burst pipes or sudden leakages that are likely to cause damage to your property or its contents
  • Boiler breakdown (not usually covered under standard home insurance policy)
  • Failure of your domestic water main supply or electricity
  • The property becoming insecure as a result of your house’s external locks, doors or windows failing completely or being damaged
  • Inoperable toilets, especially if they would cause further damage to your property left unfixed
  • Emergency repairs to roofing if this is likely to cause further water damage

Property and garages or outbuildings are covered for domestic emergencies

How does it work?

If you’re facing an emergency, please contact Royal and Sun Alliance on 01384 884040.

Royal and Sun Alliance aims to give you rapid, expert help if you suffer an emergency arising from an incident covered under your policy. They arrange for one of their approved contractors to attend and take action to stabilise the situation and resolve the emergency. With a nationwide list of contractors, your issue will be treated as a priority.

This is an easy process and won’t affect your no claims bonus (NCB).

Home emergency cover for landlords

If you’re a landlord and you need to protect your properties against emergencies, we’d be happy to help. Our flexible schemes allow you to get protection, whether it’s for a portfolio of houses or cover for a single studio home.

Landlord Legal Protection


Keycare for Landlords


Home Emergency Cover

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